In order to further complicate my already hectic existence, I’ve decided to embark on a ninety-day writing adventure. My plan is this: During the months of August, September, and October, I will write as many short stories as I possibly can, and present them on the site as they are completed in a special new section devoted to the project. The new link for No Time to Cut My Hair — A Ninety-day Adventure in Short Story Writing will be added on August 2. In the meantime, please make plans to join me in what will undoubtedly be an entertaining, exhilarating, exhausting, and embarrassing episode in my writing life. Enjoy a rapidly growing collection of brand new stories (or watch me fall flat on my face) in a relaxed, spontaneous atmosphere. As always, your comments will be welcome. And please tell your friends and family about the project. In the weeks to come, they will find plenty to read and, I hope, plenty to talk about. |