Parlor and Workspace, 3

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It’s amazing how much family history there is on this corner of my desk. I gave the shaving mug with the face on it to my father when I was a kid. He never used it, because his round Colgate soap wouldn’t fit in the bottom. The letter opener was a gift from the Fuller Brush man. The briar pipe belonged to my father’s brother, who died in World War II. I’ve puffed on that pipe. The glass ashtray was Dad’s, and saw heavy use back in his Pall Mall days, which ended in the mid-Sixties and gave way to his cigar days. In his honor, I’ve flicked a few cigar ashes into it myself. The Allen wrenches were also my uncle’s. I used them to take apart a bunk bed when we moved. He was an ace mechanic. We still have his tool chest. The wrist watch is Dad’s old Hamilton. He’d usually wear it when he ventured into town. I just wound it. It still runs, even the tiny second hand.

August 25, 2009

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Also by William Michaelian

Winter Poems

ISBN: 978-0-9796599-0-4
52 pages. Paper.
Another Song I Know
ISBN: 978-0-9796599-1-1
80 pages. Paper.
Cosmopsis Books
San Francisco

Signed copies available

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