The Woman with Long Black Hair

This morning,
just after sunrise,
I saw a young woman
on her way to work.

She had long black hair,
slender white arms,
and soft-black clothes.

Her legs were covered.
I didn�t see her shoes.

She had parked her car
beyond the metered zone
and was walking toward
the center of the city.

Through my car window,
I saw her freshly bathed form
moving along the sidewalk
near a red brick church,
then I watched her disappear
behind the trunk of an old tree.

It was just for a moment,
I thought . . . and I waited,
but the young woman
didn�t reappear on the other side.

The pale gray sidewalk
was empty and still.

The church doorway,
a shadow already melting
in the new daylight,
was undisturbed.

She was gone.

I smiled to myself,
took one last look
in my rearview mirror,
then continued on.

August 23, 2005

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Also by William Michaelian

Winter Poems

ISBN: 978-0-9796599-0-4
52 pages. Paper.
Another Song I Know
ISBN: 978-0-9796599-1-1
80 pages. Paper.
Cosmopsis Books
San Francisco

Signed copies available

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