I'm Telling You All I Know
The Website and Archive of William Michaelian ~ Novelist, Short Story Writer, Artist & Poet

William Michaelian�s newest release is One Hand Clapping, the third volume in his Author�s Press Series. His two poetry collections, Winter Poems and Another Song I Know, were published in 2007 by Cosmopsis Books. He is also the author of Songs and Letters, a four-year collection of poetry and prose that�s several books in one, and a A Listening Thing, a novel published here in its only complete online edition. Michaelian�s stories, poems, and drawings have appeared in many literary magazines and newspapers, including Ararat, a quarterly that featured literary and historical work on Armenian subjects. His poetry and prose have been translated into Armenian, published in Armenia�s leading literary periodicals, and read on Armenian National Radio. His artwork continues to capture attention, and is used widely online; one of his drawings is included in a William Saroyan centennial edition released by Heyday Books in 2008. He has several more books and a chapbook forthcoming. The author lives with his wife and family in Salem, Oregon.

Penny Thoughts and Photographs
A collection of words and pictures
Forum: Canine symphonies
New Poetry Page: Poems, Slightly Used
Facebook: William Michaelian
Site Guide: Flippantly Answered Questions
Author�s Note
A Listening Thing
Among the Living
No Time to Cut My Hair
One Hand Clapping
Songs and Letters
Collected Poems
Early Short Stories
Armenian Translations
Cosmopsis Print Editions
News and Reviews
Highly Recommended
Let�s Eat
Favorite Books & Authors
Useless Information
E-mail & Parting Thoughts

Poetry, Notes & Marginalia:
Recently Banned Literature

Image Archive 1973-2010
Given As I Was
Days of Future Passed
Here�s looking at you, kid
Among the Living

by Cassandra LaMothe
by Laura Tedeschi
by Aleksandra Komlenovic
William Michaelian, June 2009

�� William Michaelian ��

American author of contemporary novels,
short stories, poems, small press chapbooks,
short story and poetry collections, blogs, columns,
dreams, essays, reviews, daily online journals,
humor, satire, and social commentary

Simplicity, Sincerity, Sonority:
A New Voice in American Poetry

Review by Russ Allison Loar

The Thing About Strawberries   Among the Living

The Painting of You [click to enlarge] INTRODUCING THE AUTHOR�S PRESS SERIES
The Painting of You
Author�s Press Series, Vol. 1
ISBN: 978-0-557-12874-7
80 pages. Paper. $10.00
eBook: $4.00

Alzheimer�s Disease, Autobiography, Dreams,
Family History, Memoir, Poetry

About the Book     Buy Book     Buy eBook

No Time to Cut My Hair [click to enlarge] SHORT STORIES
No Time to Cut My Hair
Author�s Press Series, Vol. 2
ISBN: 978-0-557-20222-5
184 pages. Paper. $12.00
eBook: $4.00

Fiction, Short Stories

About the Book     Buy Book     Buy eBook

One Hand Clapping [click to enlarge] DAILY JOURNAL (MARCH 17, 2003 - MARCH 15, 2005)
One Hand Clapping
Author�s Press Series, Vol. 3
ISBN: 978-0-557-151095-5
444 pages. Paper. $23.00

Autobiography, Dreams, Family History, Literature,
Memoir, Politics, War, Writing.

About the Book     Buy Book

80 pages. Glossy.
Softcover: $19.95.
Hardcover with dust jacket: $34.95.

Site last updated August 9, 2010 �  1,205 pages
Text, drawings, and photos Copyright � 2001-2010 by William Michaelian
Author photos by Denise Michaelian, Suzanne Michaelian, Vahan Michaelian
Site design by Vahan Michaelian

I'm Telling You All I Know